Sunday, October 13, 2019

It becomes clear, oh really?

In response to Ron Faraday's posting of this on my Facebook timeline.  ( I have to write my response here as links don't work in the comment section below his post. )

Oh, it becomes clear, does it?  

ROTFLMAO!!  But, do go on.

Ron feels the need to post an article from another Right-winger.  What I love about it the most is the writer has a list of names of Republicans and Democrats who the writer claims are all tied to “sketchy Ukraine deals,” and that’s why they want to destroy Trump!  And the writer includes a parenthetical ( emphasis mine! ) without naming who the hell he or she is.  There’s a link below this crap article from the blog that takes you to another blog, which still doesn’t tell you who wrote this tripe.  

Now quite a number of claims are made here, and typical of Right-wing tripe none of it is substantiated with any evidence.  So, while anyone tries to knock this garbage down a thousand more lies are told.  

Claim #1 – Mitt Romney’s advisor Joseph Cofer Black joined the Ukraine energy firm Burisma while Hunter Biden was also on the board.  

So, the F what.    

Claim #2 – “Hunter Biden was taking a salary of $50,000 per month from Burisma, and was simultaneously engaged in a relationship with John Kerry’s stepson, Chris Heinz, and mobster Whitey Bulger’s nephew, in a private equity firm, that allegedly appeared to be laundering millions of dollars in foreign money from China & the Ukraine, through Latvia, and back to the US.”

This run on sentence is ridiculous on its face.  What the hell are they trying to say? So, Hunter Biden and Chris Heinz worked with or for an unnamed private equity firm that “allegedly appeared to be,” nice writing there Mr. Anonymous, laundering millions.  Let’s stop there.  
Why can’t they name this private equity firm? Yet, they can bring in the name of the dead mobster Whitey Bulger to slime Chris Heinz.   

So, a little fact checking on Google reveals that the name of the private equity firm is Rosemont Seneca.  Now, why don’t they want you to know that name? It’s because as a New York Post article will tell you it was Hunter Biden’s decision to join the board of Burisma that led to a falling out with Chris Heinz thus ending their business relationship

So, that’s quite different to the BS false narrative Mr. Anonymous wants you to believe.  

So, you can remove John Kerry and Chris Heinz, and the dead mobster Whitey Bulger for that matter, from the list of people wanting to destroy Trump.  And I think we can remove McCain too, don’t you think, you know, because he’s dead.  

Let’s talk about Joe Biden, father of Hunter, former Vice President of the US and current candidate for POTUS.  Biden while VP under President Barak Obama criticized Ukrainian prosecutor Victor Shokin.  Shokin was special prosecutor under Petro Poroshenko who was president of the Ukraine from 2014 to 2019. Poroshenko replaced Victor Yanukovych, who was Putin’s puppet.  

The idea that Shokin was investigating Burisma because of Hunter Biden is a lie.  Shokin was under fire for not going after anyone during the time of Putin’s puppet Victor Yanukovych. For 13 months Shokin did little to nothing.  Meanwhile, the Deputy Chief Prosecutor, David Sakvarelidze had evidence Shokin was on the take. Shokin responded by opening a phony corruption investigation into Sakvarelidze which resulted in forcing him from his office.  In fact, the investigation into Burisma “only ever covered the period from before Hunter Biden’s involvement in the company.”

Shokin’s name is not mentioned in the blog post by Mr. Anonymous

Biden, along with the leaders of several western European countries, the EU, and the International Monetary Fund all wanted Shokin removed from office.  BTW, Shokin was removed from office in March 2016.  

This gets contorted by Right-wingers into Joe Biden got a Ukrainian prosecutor, who they never name, fired because he was investigating a company tied to Hunter Biden.  When you know the names and the full context and chronology, which Right-wingers always omit along with their names on blog posts, then you know the truth.  

The rest of the idiotic blog post by Mr. Anonymous is written in the same fact free, misleading, total lie fashion that I just debunked and is further debunked here and several other sites. 

Another claim, has Paul Pelosi, Jr. involved in oil importing from Ukraine.  And his company Viscoil is under investigation for securities fraud.  False.  Paul Pelosi once served on the board of Viscoil, but that company dissolved in 2010. It went out of business.  The scraps of that dissolved company were folded into NRGlab a Singapore based company.    

So, we can cross off Paul Pelosi Jr’s name from this list of people out to destroy Trump.  

Is Rep. Adam Schiff linked to a Ukrainian arms dealer? No.  Igor Pasternak hosted a fundraiser for Schiff in 2013.  Pasternik’s business, Worldwide Aeros Corp is an American company that manufactures airships for the American military.  In the past this company provided military hardware to Ukrainian forces fighting Russian forces in Donbas.  

And, btw, Pasternak is not Ukrainian. 

So, we can cross off Schiff’s name too.  

The Anonymous author of this Right-wing garbage thinks Colludy Rudy Giuliani is the world’s greatest detective who runs the world’s biggest private investigation firm.  A firm so big it cannot be named.  

Meanwhile Rudy’s two Russian born henchmen, Igor Fruhman and Lev Parnas were arrested as they were about to flee the US.  Parnas runs a company called Fraud Guarantee.  Don’t you love irony? 

Trump is going to be impeached because he committed crimes, crimes the “stable genius” admitted to and provided all the evidence any rational person could possibly need to convict him by producing a transcript of himself extorting the leader of a foreign country for dirt on his political opponent.  His moronic apologists claim there was no quid pro quo, no actual exchange of one thing for another. Umm, it’s the asking itself that is the crime you idiots.  

And in attempting to hide the evidence of this crime he hid the evidence in a place that perfectly preserved the evidence.  The evidence of at least 11 phone conservations between Trump and Putin are in the NICE computer system, as well as, at least one phone conversation with the man behind the murder of Khashoggi, Mohamad bin Salman.  

Giulianni is under criminal investigation for this shit and could wind up in a jail.  But, don’t pay any attention to that. 

Please do note that I don’t link to things people don’t put their names to. 

Sunday, July 7, 2019

You should be listening to Mueller She Wrote

I advise anyone interested in Trump's crimes and eventual downfall to listen to the podcast "Mueller She Wrote."

The latest episode - July 7, 2019



President Trump issued a memorandum last week that transfers to the Attorney General the authority of the Director of National Intelligence to declassify intelligence information concerning the 2016 election.

memorandum effectively amends Executive Order 13526 on classification on national security information, but in a highly customized way: It applies only to Attorney General William Barr (not any successors) and only to the investigation of the 2016 presidential campaigns. The memorandum was published in the Federal Register today.

Even so, the move represents a functional demotion of the Director of National Intelligence and a partial transfer of his authority to the Attorney General.

Executive Order 13526 gave sweeping authority over declassification of intelligence information to the DNI, who was authorized to "declassify, downgrade, or direct the declassification or downgrading of information or intelligence relating to intelligence sources, methods, or activities." (sect. 3.1c)

The new 
presidential memorandum adopts the same language but modifies the provision to state that it is Attorney General Barr who may now "declassify, downgrade, or direct the declassification or downgrading of information or intelligence that relates to the Attorney General's review."

No rationale for the change was provided, though it was understood to support the Attorney General's investigation into what he called U.S. government "spying" on the Trump campaign.

Senator Mark Warner (D-VA) warned that the move threatened to politicize intelligence. "Selectively declassifying sources and methods in order to serve a political agenda will make it harder for the intelligence community to do their jobs protecting this country from those who wish to do us harm," 
he said.

For his part, 
DNI Dan Coats said that "I am confident that the Attorney General will work with the IC in accordance with the long-established standards to protect highly-sensitive classified information that, if publicly released, would put our national security at risk."
*    *    *
There is some precedent for overriding the judgment of the DNI concerning the protection of sources and methods.

1999 decision of the Justice Department Office of Legal Counsel concluded that the presidentially-established Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel could declassify intelligence information over the objections of the Director of Central Intelligence.

While it is true that the DCI, and now the DNI, is obliged by the National Security Act to protect intelligence sources and methods from unauthorized disclosure, the Director's authority in this area is not absolute or exclusive.

Specifically, "If the President concludes that information concerning intelligence sources and methods should not be classified, the disclosure of such information simply is not 'unauthorized' within the meaning of the [National Security Act]," wrote Randolph D. Moss of the Office of Legal Counsel in 
his 1999 opinion.

Still, this OLC conclusion may not be correct (said a non-lawyer) because "declassification" is not the same as "disclosure." Even intelligence information that is declassified or unclassified may still be, and often is, protected from public disclosure by the DNI under the provisions of the National Security Act.

The new presidential 
memorandum does not address the question of disclosure at all.